Ah, hello there. Thank you for stopping by.

My name is Annie Mize, and I finally quit my Corporate America job. I’m freaking out! But following my heart. 

My big dream? It’s that I’ll one day I’ll be an amazingly well-known published writer, traveling the world giving the most motivational of talks, inspiring people to love themselves the way they’ve always desired to be loved.

BUT I quite literally have no idea how to get moving on any part of this. I’m, in real-time, trying to figure this out. I honestly haven’t the slightest clue about how it’ll end for me. I’d venture to guess, though, that most people feel the same way, and that’s why most people don’t just… quit their jobs.

Also, for the record, I never, ever thought I’d have the courage to quit my secure job without something lined up. Never. Never. Never. Not once in a million years. Never.

My dream is also that each of you will be able to look back on this blog and see that my journey was not a simple overnight success; that it was fruitful with shame, crying, and wishing I was better, stronger, and smarter. That there were days I did nothing and felt like crap, days I did nothing and felt okay about it, and also days I did so much that I felt hope in myself and in my dream again. That while I felt shame, there were also major breakthroughs in disintegrating that shame. That while I cried, there were people who stuck by my side. That while I wished I were better, stronger, and smarter, there were infinity-sized moments where I loved myself enough to honor exactly where I was in my journey.

I quit, and you know what? I’m scared as hell. I’m terrified to be vulnerable. To not be perfect. To not have everything figured out.

But, that’s the other part of my dream. That, by me writing without a sure-shot of that very inspired-published book or professional speaking gig, I take this bet on myself anyway and succeed. And that by doing so, you find the space and courage to take a bet on yourself too.

I really do appreciate you stopping by. I hope that following my journey  brings you many things. But if nothing else, I hope you get some peace in knowing that you’re not alone, some compassion in knowing that this girl is scared and hoping to get out of her own way, and some hope in knowing if I can do it, maybe, just maybe, you can too. 

With love,

P.S. For a little bit more info about me, be sure to check out the post where I introduce myself!

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